• fr
  • Epicuria Architectes
    Les Pavillons-sous-Bois (93)

    Anatole France middle school

    Located along the Ourcq canal, a real link between Paris and the Seine-Saint-Denis, the middle school participates in the rediscovery of the territory. The building and its footbridge participate in the rehabilitation of riverbanks.

    The specificity of this college is its linear layout along the Ourcq canal and its service by a pedestrian bridge consubstantial to the project, allowing privileged access to the main square. Occupying the whole plot from east to west, the long central body, lightened by a recessed basement, dialogue with the flatness of the water arm in a mirror effect. Bounded by two perpendicular buildings, it encloses the vast landscaped recreational area that borders the riverbank. This constructive solution that tends to melt the building in its site is supported by the abundant use of glass on the facade. The materials chosen – structured concrete, light stone and metal, larch wood – reinforce its organic character and harmoniously absorb light. A fusion project that permanently places the building in its context.

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    2014 – Construction of a secondary school for 600 pupils, with catering, a gymnasium, staff accommodation and a footbridge across the Ourcq
    10 363 m2
    20 M€HT
    Delivered in 2014
    Project management
    Departmental Council of Seine-Saint-Denis / SOMIFA
    Epicuria Architectes
    In Public Private Partnership with Nord France (Fayat) company
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