• fr
  • Epicuria Architectes
    Champigny-sur-Marne (94)

    Jesse Owens Gymnasium

    As a unifying equipment playing a major role in the neighborhood, the building immediately identifies itself in the city thanks to its metal mesh, creating light and shadow play throughout the day.

    Treated with great delicacy, this sports equipment located on the outskirts of the city centre imposes its singularity in the residential area of Champigny-sur-Marne. Coupled with youth meeting point, it offers a profile of oriental inspiration characterized by an exterior facade dressed in the upper part of a fishnet imitating the moucharabiehs.
    Although established in an urban environment, the project is constantly revisiting the natural pattern, through a vegetated roof designed as a “fifth facade” and above all, a special treatment of the concrete base of the building, openwork and transparent, evoking the roots of a tree bursting from the ground. The absolute monochrome of the envelope promotes an increased play of shade and light on the volumes, in a vibrant dialogue with the indentations decorating the perimeter of the building.

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    2011 – Construction of a gymnasium including a sports hall, a fencing room, an outdoor sports field and ancillary premises
    2 452 m2
    4,8 M€HT
    Delivered in 2011
    Project management
    City of Champigny-sur-Marne
    Epicuria Architectes
    CET / MEBI
    Environmental profile
    HQE approach without certification objective
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